Place the "xfile", "xscr" and "ss" folders in your resident evil 4 folder (overwriting the existing folders and files). Place the 3 exe files you will find in the "GAME.EXE files" folder in your resident evil 4 folderĤ. REMEMBER: If you change the configuration of action/run/command ashley/status screen/draw knife/draw gun in a different way of those 5 configurations the game will load standard low resolution fontsģ. so, if you use the keyboard just change the gamepad configuration as it's stated in the pcpad configuration.gif

i guess the keyboard configuration has nothing to do with it. Decide which is the best configuration for you, then copy the textures from one of the folders (pcpad/pcpad(2)/ps2/ps3/xbox/xbox360) and paste them inside the "TEXTURES" folder overwriting the default textures (if you are going to use the "pcpad configuration" don't do anything because those are the default textures in this patch). If you want to enjoy hi-resolution texts and buttons, you'll have to configure your gamepad like is shown in the screenshots inside the "BUTTONS PACKS" folder.

The only thing you have to do is to copy the textures you want and paste them inside the "TEXTURES" folder overwriting the default textures. In the "VARIATIONS" folder you will find alternative textures: no noise effect, hard noise effect, less visible aureola and invisible aureola. The patch includes standard (but enhanced) aureola effect (that red/blue/green shinny thing around the item or treasure when you kill an enemy) and noise effect ala Silent Hill. Extract the contents of the patch wherever you want all of them are NO-DVD cracked versions)ġ.

3 "game.exe" versions that will work ok with this patch (korean 1.0, korean 1.1, euro 1.1. If this patch works ok for everyone and we find a way to make it stable i will also create textures for spanish, french, german and italian in the future.*****ĭ. So, if you are using a multilanguage version of the game, select english to enjoy all the hi-res textures. ****IMPORTANT: This version only includes replacement textures for english text. If your computer can't handle this patch you can run the game as always (executing game.exe) and the default low-res textures will be loaded. You'll have to run the game through the texmod tool in order to load the new textures.

HUD + buttons + text + menus + effects (complete installation) It seems this patch requires a lot of memory (i'm not sure, i'm not an expert in this kind of things.), so there will be the possibility of installing only This will replace the low resolution textures of HUD, menus, fonts, effects (water, fire, blood. Special Thanks to Voodooman -who let me know about texmod tool and its possibilities- and the Resident Evil 4 PC Forums members for their support Resident Evil 4 High resolution EFF/TPL textures replacement pack 1.0 by Albert Marin Garau